home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Friday, December 13, 2024 - Page 17 of 44 - << previous page : next page >>
5:24pm - Arrived at the Transportation and Ticket Center.  The transfer path to the EPCOT line was blocked so we had to head down the ramp.
5:24pm - Arrived at the Transportation and Ticket Center. The transfer path to the EPCOT line was blocked so we had to head down the ramp. Click to switch to large image view
Then back up the EPCOT Monorail queue which was bcked up.
Then back up the EPCOT Monorail queue which was bcked up. Click to switch to large image view
The queue grew quickly and was out as far as I could see.
The queue grew quickly and was out as far as I could see. Click to switch to large image view
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